Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Media on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

This is kind of embarrassing to admit. But, yesterday, I was watching some early episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu, and noticed that one of them completely revolved around new media. Or at least, what was considered "new media" in the late 90's.

Anyway, what struck me the most was a conversation between the computer teacher and the librarian. Read below:

C: You're a snob.
L: I am no such thing.
C: Oh, you are a big snob. You think that knowledge should be kept in these carefully guarded repositories, where only a handful of white guys can get at it.
L: That's nonsense. I simply don't adhere to a knee-jerk assumption that, because something is new, it's better.
C: This isn't a fad, Rupert. We are creating a new society here.
L: A society in which human interaction is all but obsolete? In which people can be completely manipulated by technology. Well, thank you, I'll pass.
C: Well, I'll think you'll be very happy here with your musty old books.
L: These musty old books have a great deal more to say than any of your fabulous webpages.

This is a clear case of "new media vs. old media." It's a bit insane that a decade (and then some) after this episode aired, we're still trying to address questions of what's better - new media or old media. Personally, I don't think the two have to exist independently of one another. They work perfectly well hand-in-hand.

Ok, that was my random tangent of the day. If you're interested in watching this episode, it's called "I Robot, You Jane" from Season 1. Click here, or enter this yourself:,vepisode,1 Other topics addressed in this episode include: creepy people in internet chatrooms.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is New Media?

New media is a term that cannot be neatly defined. It encompasses an array of tools that are used for the purposes of entertainment, socializing, and much, much more. Forms of new media ubiquitous in our society include online social networking websites, blogs, and video sharing. This includes MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, et cetera.

New Media is also a means of relaying information. Print newspapers and magazines, like the New York Times and Time Magazine respectively, can now be viewed online. And, their websites are always updated by the minute. Unarguably, new media is faster, more efficient and, dare I say, better way of communication. It reaches people across cities, states, and countries in the blink of an eye. The only downside to new media is that you're always being overwhelmed with new information.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Term Project & Description

With the advent of cyber-bullying, internet stalking, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can barely begin to wrap my head around, I decided to do my term project on the Risks [and Repercussions] of Using New Media. This project will concentrate on multiple forms of new media from social networking websites, to blogs, to text messaging.

With the completion of this project, I hope to address the risks of using new media (for children and adults) and what people can do to increase their privacy.

Related links (articles that "inspired" this project):